Community Comment
Community Comment is a segment on WXYZ TV-7.

When Detroiters voted overwhelmingly for Stadiums and Casinos, we were not voting for “Fun and Games”, were we? We were voting for the rebirth of our great City!

But one of the tough decisions that still must be made is what our new downtown will look like. Will Detroit look like some suburban mall? I question the view that progress must walk hand in hand with demolition. I believe we should make every intelligent attempt to find new uses for our beautiful old buildings.

I wish to speak specifically about the Hudson’s building. We have asked Mayor Archer to hold the demolition for a few more months. To invite developers to make proposals on Hudson’s’ re-development. When the decision to tear down Hudson’s was made, even the Mayor could not anticipate the national excitement over Detroit’s rebirth.

I say, save the 30 million Detroit tax dollars needed to tear down Hudson’s. Instead, let Washington DC send to Detroit the millions of dollars in Historic Tax Credits that other smart cities are getting that preserve their wonderful old buildings like our Hudson’s.

Small local businesses could put that 30 million dollars to far better use than digging a hole in our city, and burying part of Detroit’s history in it.

We say, Mr. Mayor, hold the Demolition. Hold hearings. If proposals come forth, pursue them. If not. . . . then let the wrecking ball swing.

James Turner, President of Preservation Wayne

The Book-Cadillac I've Known
DKP Photography